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L'histoire d'ERIS

Interested in volunteering for one of these workshops? Please contact us.

" C'est en rencontrant Mohammed, demandeur d'asile Irakien, que l'idée de créer un programme d'intégration alternatif, complet et adapté à la situation de personnes migrantes voit le jour dans l'esprit de Bernadette,
fondatrice de l'association ! "



Our daily mission

The ERIS association, created at the end of 2016, has the mission of facilitating the integration of people who have recently arrived on French territory. Learning the French language and culture, creating social links and supporting social and professional integration are at the core of the actions implemented on a daily basis. With this in mind, intensive programmes, combining fun and useful activities, have been designed to encourage individualised follow-ups and to enable each participant to be an active member of their integration process.


ERIS aspires to be a stepping stone to autonomy and self-confidence!

Migrant integration in France

the objectives of the project


For several years now, many asylum seekers have been arriving in France and Europe. Upon arrival, they face a long waiting period, sometimes ranging from several months to several years. This period is often a source of isolation and insecurity. Proficiency in the French language is an essential prerequisite for successful integration in France. Thus, the luckiest of them occasionally participate in French courses given by french volunteer organizations.


However, the reality remains that at the end of these hours, the level achieved and the integration rates remain low. "According to a Senate report, the average length of French language courses for newcomers has fallen from 240 to 148 hours. Only one foreigner in two reaches the minimum required level. Access to French courses, training and employment are currently the main obstacles to integration.


Our project is based on this observation by offering an intensive French language learning programme through courses delivered by qualified trainers and workshops shared with French-speaking volunteers, thus enabling the community to act on its values of solidarity.



  • Facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers.


  • Enable everyone to build a future for themselves through the acquisition of French.


  • Encourage the exchange between cultures and cultivation of a group spirit.


  • Create a space to build self-confidence.


  • Raise awareness and change the way we perceive migrants.


  • Develop a sense of togetherness, promoting interaction.


Our project is based on this observation by offering an intensive French learning program thanks to  workshops prepared by our team and shared with French-speaking volunteers, thus enabling civil society to get involved around solidarity values.

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